Paint the town...Paris!

Four years ago my brother and my parents went on a trip to London during the holidays. I couldn't go with them, because I had school. Every year since I have nagged them to take me somewhere special too. A bonding trip especially for me. So anyway this year my mother got in touch with her friends from paris who told her that we could stay in their extra apartment if we wanted to visit, since it would be free during spring. That's how the stone started rolling. I didn't think I would actually get to go, but now its looking like we really are gonna.

Two weeks in Paris, staying not in some fancy and pricy hotel, but rather a quaint little apartment of our own...well, not really ours, but that's a minor detail. I'm so exited! So I started googling images of paris so I would know where to go and what I needed to see for myself. Travel books are great, but they never have enough pictures for my liking. I found a great blog dedicated to Paris, called Eye Prefer Paris. I found wonderful pictures here. I was so impressed I knew I would be blogging full on when my chance came in Paris, although this lady - I prefer to think of the blog's author as a 'she' - researched every place she took a photo of and posted the information. Wow, I am totally blowing her trumpit right now, but I loved it, and intend to be using the bhlog for more future references. There's even a Eye Prefer Paris Tours, with the tag: see the paris tourists never see. Heehee OK I get the pun; the whole blog has blue eyes dotted around it. And by the way, the author is realy a man, Richard Nahem. Sorry dude, its nothing personal. I mistake everything cool as being made or created by a woman. My bad.


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