RIP Edie Sedgwick

I just finished watching Factory Girl and it made me cry. 

I knew half way through that I would, but I couldn't stop watching how the poor Edie deteriorated. There was no hope for her, I guess.

Strange how some people say life dealt you a bad card if you're poor, or born with an illness... Edie was dealt an unfair card in that she was not meant for this world, not from the beginning I don't believe. She was the type of girl I pity, because no one can save them. 

Well, I have cried for her already and I won't do it again. The movie is fresh in my mind and I am very ashamed of that Andy Warhol... 
I was in a gallery where they were showing his work and it all made me rather uncomfortable. I tried to appreciate his art, but in the end I felt he must have rather been a self-righteous and egotistical, but not until I watched this movie did I notice what I felt so strange about him:
He was absolutely strange. Well, all artists probably are, but I am a conservative girl, who's afraid of bad men in black hats, and Andy Warhol gave me the creeps. All those videos of people just staring and being embarrassed or uncomfortable or loving it... I felt like I was intruding and I wondered what made this man film them like that. What made him want to expose them like that.

Art, I believe, doesn't have any explanations. I don't think Andy thought about what he was doing, didn't strive to achieve anything. Maybe he did? He was at the very least very interested in human beings, and I'm afraid it was that nature of being the observer and not emotionally part of it that contributed to poor Edie. 

Then again, like I said, Edie was a hopeless case; no one could have saved her. I have only the impression I got from the movie of how their relationship must have been like, and I think he manipulated her to an extent. 

Is it always in man's nature to use and domineer so?

Yes, now I shall think of Edie, and not think of her again. 

Some people can't be saved...



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