I haven't blogged in a while. I had these crazy exams, which I studied like hell for, and achieved good results I might add.  So this will be the first post I make in a long time. I start it off with a picture of a place I spend my holidays: Cape Cross. Its part of the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, and its absolutely breathtaking. This is a pic of the view I get when I wake up in the mornings. 
Pretty, huh?

Luckily there is a lodge nearby so if any one's interested I'd recommend googling 'Cape Cross Lodge Namibia'.  I don't have the information with me, but let me tell ya its definitely worth it to visit it. Namibia has great landscapes. Fabulous in fact.

I'm a little ill at the mo, so I'll not spend more time making anyone jealous with my wonderful holiday destinations any further, although I would just like to say that I'm leaving for 2 weeks in Paris on Saturday. I'll either be starting a new blog dedicated to my stay there, or I'll just ramble about being a tourist right here. Hmmm, being a tourist... Jay!


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