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Forgive me, for I only watched the second half of the movie... and it rocked! 
Firstly I'll say that the group of actors (Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman), was random, but it worked. How strange to see the musician (The Pianist), the  comedian (Night at the Museum) and King Louis of France (Marie Antoinette) playing three very different and very interesting brothers who, after the death of their father, travel to India to find themselves

India is a colorful place and director Wes Anderson obviously made good use of it. The whole setting was great and the camera work more so. Especially in the train compartment where only one camera was used, to the movie's benefit. 
I was also fond of the music, which I am able to describe only as a mix of Indian and something else... Sorry for that description, but honestly, it'll have to make do.

The story is told very much using images and body language, rather than language, so don't expect long and important speeches. All I'll say is it was immensely  funny and satisfying. 
If you like strange movies, made in a different way to the usual popular hits, this is for you. 


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