How to lose a guy in ten days... argh. I watched the movie for like the third time the other day. Yes, I agree. Watching it once is bad enough, but three times? In my defense, the first time I did I ws so tiny, and the most recent was when there was absolutely nothing else on. My point? I'm getting to it.
So the character played by, what'shernameagain quits her job after the oh-so-terrible fight and confrontation, drunken singing episode (she must have had a few glasses between scenes!) and is on her way to her shiny new job interview.
The other lead, played by what'shisface prettyboyactor meanwhile has jumped onto his super mini scooter thingy and races after her taxi. I thought cellphones were already invented back then? Apparently not.
He does stop her, so don't be fooled! Hero on his white horsie has arrived! He stops the taxi and confronts the chick. Dumdumdum... the BIG moment.
He pokes the magazine she had been writing for under her nose and asks, all heroic like, "Is this true?"
Ah, the poor girl; she's already in tears, and he of course shows no emotion. Just asks her to come back with him.
Never mind that she's now unemployed and she probably already paid for her plane ticket to the interview... Did anyone remember the bloody interview? Nah? Ok, moving on.

He throws a bunch of bills at the taxi driver and tells him to take her luggage back to her apartment. They climb his golden, I mean, white pony and ride into the sunset.

The taxi driver probably took the cash, her stuff and made his way back to Queens. Can't trust taxi's these days, eh?

Sexi Plexi, by Jack Johnson

Sexy sexy made up of plexi disasters

Pushing and pulling conservative rolling
Unlike plastic, easier to see through
Just like glass with no ring
Softer and sadder you sing
Sexy sexy do your thing
Learn to be shy and then you can sting
Plexi, plexi bend don't shatter
Once you're broken, shape won't matter

You're breaking your mind
By killing the time that kills you
But you can't blame the time
'Cause its only in your mind

Quickly quickly grow and then you'll know
It is such and awkward show to see
And everyone you wanted to know
And everyone you wanted to meet
Have all gone away
Well they've all gone away

And now you're
Breaking your mind
By killing the time that kills you
But you cant blame the time
'Cause its only in your mind

You're breaking your mind


Robbie Turner:  Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame. 
This was the second time I watched the movie, but I couldn't finish it. I had exams the next day and had to get to bed early. Irony is I laid I awake the whole night thinking about it. I am not going to spoil the ending for anybody, all I'm saying is that its very sad and has a twist at the end. I'll never forgive that little brat! Gosh, am not making sense again?
The movie is absolutely brilliant. The script was fantastic, the  editing and filming even better. The acting? Lord knows I wouldn't have wished for any other couple to play the part of Cecilia (Keira Knightley) and Robbie (James McAvoy). 

There are two moments in the movie that I found have stuck with me. When Robbie is writing Cecilia his letter of apology. Here the camera work is wonderful, shooting a pretty and dramatic reflection of Cecilia as she stares in her mirror. These are of course only snippets, while Robbie is thinking about her, his reflection is also shot in the mirror. This moment is so dramatic and beautiful. It allows a visual insight into what their love must have been like.  

The second moment is where Robbie walks on the beach, where all the soldiers are, is technically brilliant. Only one camera follows him the whole time. One has to be sharp, or yo
u wouldn't spot how well everything is choreographed. The timing of everything is perfect! That's not the only thing that was so ultimately flawless; the lighting, the music and the sombre feeling of the whole scene. 

I loved it.
Atonement is a masterpiece. This movie should not be missed, not for any type of reason or excuse! Go, go now and watch it!

Isobel is young African American girl living in the 1870's. She and her sister are sold to the Locktons by the nephew of their deceased previous owner. This man has, unlike his aunt, no kind sold and does not respect her wishes to set the girls free. What stood out for me even in the beginning of the story was how no one even considered that these girls had lost all they had. And OK, this was probably how African American people were treated, but doesn't the situation just drive the point ever deeper? How unfair it was. They'd lost their mother and all that they had ever known. Even the priest, who knew their deceased owner, doesn't care. The two young and completely innocent girls are sold into a life they have never known before, to life in New York.

This is where the book gets interesting. The Locktons are royalists. During the pre-civil war chaos Isobel starts to relay information to the patriots, hoping this would one day free her. Laurie Halse Anderson obviously did tons of research, because the book is filled with many historical characters and tells of historical happenings through the eyes of the slave, making the reader feel that we truly are experiencing it. For anyone interested, like me, in history this is an especially good novel, because it brings you down to eye level with those important times.

The book is addictive, lovely and made me wonder at how one person is able to survive so much, with so little and so little to live for. Isobel is a brave and strong heroin. Kudus to Anderson. Absolutely wonderful.

My fave holiday

Two years ago I travelled with my family overseas for the first time, to South America and Antarctica. I am sure that Antarctica isn't the average holiday destination, so I'm gonna flip through my travel journal and type up all the amazing things. But it wasn't just Antarctica that was so fantastic, it was the journey that took us there. I had never before been over seas so the whole experience was new to me. The one place besides the Cold Continent I will never forget is Ushuaia, the most southernly city in the world. But don't be fooled, its more like a town. We boarded the The Polar Star there and it took us  down south. 

I'd love to share my memories, so some time in the near future I'll get my act together and post some.

Today I read an article about a girl who got involved with this anorexic cult type website...  The story wasn't particularly creepy, but it got me thinking. 

So I googled the term "pro ana" (pro anorexic nervosa) and what did i find? Too much for one simple minded chick to handle! World's Largest Pro Anorexic Website had me worried for a moment when it looked like it might be some kind of strange and sick group, but I was quickly won over by the websites' rules: There should be at least one comment to each and EVERY post; no mean comments or sarcasm; no hate of obese persons or such, etc. 

Interesting... very interesting. i couldn't help thinking that all those girls' posts reminded me of regular teen age girls; depro and full of self-doubt. The main goal of the site was to provide support and prevent suicide to those suffering from anorexia. It made me sad that there could be so many people in need of help. 

So, I'm not going to make any snide remarks or jokes. Its not gonna happen. This is a real issue. As a fellow skinny person I understand that it gets up one's nose when people keep wanting to shove food down one's throat. Enough! I do eat!

 OK so the point I'm trying to make is that what you eat has nothing to do with other people and they should stay out of it. And when a person hardly eats anything, more reason for people to stop harassing, because the consequences can be horrific and are very serious. 

Am I making any sense? Gosh, I hope so. If I offended anybody, I didn't mean to.

The Cricket

There's this girl on my hokkey  team... Apparently its her first year.  
She's made life on the field very interessting, although some might call her a liability. Its not true that she can't play; its the way she plays. She bounces after the ball and stabs it with her stick, narrowly missing her teammate's foot, whom she steels the ball from anyway. Then she hits the ball twice (the first time she misses) in a general direction and gallops after it. 
I find her absolutely intruiging. More hokkey palyers should hit the person next to them, even if they are on the same team. Or better yet: move like a cricket,(bounce bounce, hop-hop)it frightens the opponents. 
Yeah, this chick sure knows how to distract a person. Oh yes, she does!

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