Today I read an article about a girl who got involved with this anorexic cult type website...  The story wasn't particularly creepy, but it got me thinking. 

So I googled the term "pro ana" (pro anorexic nervosa) and what did i find? Too much for one simple minded chick to handle! World's Largest Pro Anorexic Website had me worried for a moment when it looked like it might be some kind of strange and sick group, but I was quickly won over by the websites' rules: There should be at least one comment to each and EVERY post; no mean comments or sarcasm; no hate of obese persons or such, etc. 

Interesting... very interesting. i couldn't help thinking that all those girls' posts reminded me of regular teen age girls; depro and full of self-doubt. The main goal of the site was to provide support and prevent suicide to those suffering from anorexia. It made me sad that there could be so many people in need of help. 

So, I'm not going to make any snide remarks or jokes. Its not gonna happen. This is a real issue. As a fellow skinny person I understand that it gets up one's nose when people keep wanting to shove food down one's throat. Enough! I do eat!

 OK so the point I'm trying to make is that what you eat has nothing to do with other people and they should stay out of it. And when a person hardly eats anything, more reason for people to stop harassing, because the consequences can be horrific and are very serious. 

Am I making any sense? Gosh, I hope so. If I offended anybody, I didn't mean to.


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