How to lose a guy in ten days... argh. I watched the movie for like the third time the other day. Yes, I agree. Watching it once is bad enough, but three times? In my defense, the first time I did I ws so tiny, and the most recent was when there was absolutely nothing else on. My point? I'm getting to it.
So the character played by, what'shernameagain quits her job after the oh-so-terrible fight and confrontation, drunken singing episode (she must have had a few glasses between scenes!) and is on her way to her shiny new job interview.
The other lead, played by what'shisface prettyboyactor meanwhile has jumped onto his super mini scooter thingy and races after her taxi. I thought cellphones were already invented back then? Apparently not.
He does stop her, so don't be fooled! Hero on his white horsie has arrived! He stops the taxi and confronts the chick. Dumdumdum... the BIG moment.
He pokes the magazine she had been writing for under her nose and asks, all heroic like, "Is this true?"
Ah, the poor girl; she's already in tears, and he of course shows no emotion. Just asks her to come back with him.
Never mind that she's now unemployed and she probably already paid for her plane ticket to the interview... Did anyone remember the bloody interview? Nah? Ok, moving on.

He throws a bunch of bills at the taxi driver and tells him to take her luggage back to her apartment. They climb his golden, I mean, white pony and ride into the sunset.

The taxi driver probably took the cash, her stuff and made his way back to Queens. Can't trust taxi's these days, eh?


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