The day I got my own camera I decided to make good use of it. When I see the amazing photo's my dad takes (he's a professional) I severely scold myself. My dad doesn't walk around with the intension of taking a really good pic; he just sees something that catches his eye. He always has his camera with him and that makes a huge difference. I hardly ever have a camera with me, because it feels like too much hassle bringing it along everywhere...

HA! All that's changed! I take my camera everywhere. I refuse to be bothered by the weird glances that are sent my way, not even when I'm down on my knees and aiming it at the floor. No, I'm shooting what I want, when I want to. 

And because of this new mentality I packed my little camie into my backpack when I flew to South Africa. The airport was boring (aren't they all), so I thought I'd try taking a few snaps. 
They're nothing special, but I like 'em.

Just so's you know, the one with the plane is a picture of Hosea Kutako International Airport, Namibia's only international airport. Yeah, we're a small country. 
I thought it was random when I took it, but now I think it puts my country into perspective to the rest of the world. Namibia is a mix of old and new. And of course, being the loyal citizen I am I recommend it to everyone!
On that particular day it was all drizzly and wet(ish), much to the dismay of the tourists, who's travelled all the way to get some sunshine. The runway was nearly deserted and all the passengers walk to the the plain. Yes, walk. No taking a little bus-thingie. Nope, not in Africa. 
Yet, that's what I love about this place. We don't care that we're different. We are and always will be. Baha.


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