And yet more corny movies

I watched John Clayton the other night. Ate some pretty good pasta at the same time, which is probably why I didn't hang myself half way through the movie. Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad. In fact, i wasn't really bad at all. There were just one too many cliches thrown in.

But oh golly, what was the story with George? Has he always acted like that? Gosh darn it, 'cause he aint that good. Look, I aint hatin'. I just really wish he was better so that I wouldn't have wasted those few minutes of my life. Nah, the plot was pretty good so I didn't mind that so much. The voilence ws harsh (they KILLED a man!) and I hate too much grafic blood shed...although technically the poor sod didn't actually spill any, or lose any for that matter.

Anyhoo, the part I found most entertaining was the end: The bad guy, or should I say, girl gets busted. Mr Clayton strolls away from the scene and catches a cab. No music what so ever. This was just a bit too much like we're trying to make a super cool new modern movie and don't want to make it seem like the same bull from last year frame of mind for my liking. Except that I have seen that bull before. In any movie where the hero wins there's the part where he walks away looking all I-am-not-really-a-hero-I'm-just-really-really-good-looking... And then they get this peaceful yet concerned look on their faces, like what they just did had to be done, no excuses and it definitely had nothing to do with ego's, money or any magical beings of any kind. They had to do good. Because they are good!

Maybe one day movies will provide me with something new and only the generations way after me will taunt them. Haha, the poor sods who had to produce this one. Auwh shucks they tried their best. i have to say it: if you want to ensure a movie's success, make sure you sign George Cloony on. He might not be the absolute best actor there ever was (in my opinion) but he sure as hell is good looking! Yum!


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