Life in living chaos!

Sometimes the world is seen in blurs and lines, sometimes in color.


There it is,
there the patterns come forward,
the sneak forward,
they grab your ankles and
tell you:

You look, you see, you feel, you


part of the patterns,
you are
part of the patterns, part of

Man Ray is wicked cool!

I'm sitting in my dorm room having a cup of tee with my friends, and I wanted to freak them out with a video by surrealist artist, Man Ray, who we were discussing. I showed them the video, and they freaked, and I wanted to show them another video by fellow surrealist, Man Ray, but my roomy gets nightmares from these kind of things, so I let it be...for now.

For those of you who have a little weirdo in you, check out the video clip below, I personally think it is awesome. And its imorpant, in the appreciation of the clip, to remember that it is not supposed to scare you (or rather it can, it may), but there is a little humor in it, so watch it with a light heart; don't take it too seriously.

The one thing I love about studying in Stellenbosch is the fact that so many of the local bands come play here for the students. Last night I went to one of the best-known and probably most famous student haunt, Bohemia, where a friend had told me to go see a band called No One's Arc, which was playing there last night.

I didn't have any expectations, of course, but wow was I pleasantly surprised. These guys have such a great sound! And they sound African, in that their's is a sound of drums, guitars, a beautiful soprano voice and trumpet. I love how so many of our local bands make a fusion of sound from the different cultures and inspirations in South Africa. No one's Arc's style is a little bit jazz, maybe a pinch of Afro-pop, and a whiff of fellow S.A. band and Wakawaka-singers Freshly Ground.

It should be shocking that I have never until last night even heard of the band before. Then again, I have never been in a place where there's another band practically every night. But man am I glad that I saw them! They count as one of my official fave bands since yesterday! Booya!


Here I've posted yet more photographs from master-snapper Paul van Schalkwyk. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Have you ever been to a concert of one of your favorite bands? And not your average kind of concert either, I'm talking about the type set in your local student bar, the whole place packed with your people, all yelling and grooving with the music jazzing between the hot bodies like warm syrup. Yeah, you know the kind of concerts I'm talking about. And if you don't, you haven't quite lived. You don't agree? Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Fact is if you haven't seen Tidal Waves (the South African groooooovy reggae band) then you haven't heard music. Fact.

Now, let me tell you. Tidal Waves is awesome!! You better go google them, don't be a lame-ass. Go! Go right now! Do it! Here's another fact for you: it don't matter if you google them, it really don't, because if you haven't seen them live you won't get it. I'm sorry to have to break it to you, its sad I know, and you're probably crying about it, but its something you'll have to learn to live with... Sorry man.

Here's the website: TIDAL!!

Man, I wish I could see them again live, it was the best experience!

Paul's startin' to snap!

So apparently the creative gene runs in our family. Recently my father decided that it was time (after severe prompting from us woman folk) to put more energy into getting his photography out there. And here it is: his very own website!

I am super amped to see that Dad is now making such an effort to expose his art, and it makes me so proud to be able to say that "Yeah, that's my dad." His images are like the photo version of abstract art (some), and he has this amazing and original eye for looking at the world. On sunny days, I like to think that I share that eye with him. Isn't it good to know that talent is hereditary?

Go check out the website, or if you're on facebook take a trip to his page, both aptly titled "Paul van Schalkwyk Photography. Its definitely worth the trip. And a trip it is!

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