Paul's startin' to snap!

So apparently the creative gene runs in our family. Recently my father decided that it was time (after severe prompting from us woman folk) to put more energy into getting his photography out there. And here it is: his very own website!

I am super amped to see that Dad is now making such an effort to expose his art, and it makes me so proud to be able to say that "Yeah, that's my dad." His images are like the photo version of abstract art (some), and he has this amazing and original eye for looking at the world. On sunny days, I like to think that I share that eye with him. Isn't it good to know that talent is hereditary?

Go check out the website, or if you're on facebook take a trip to his page, both aptly titled "Paul van Schalkwyk Photography. Its definitely worth the trip. And a trip it is!


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