No One's got nothing on these guys!

The one thing I love about studying in Stellenbosch is the fact that so many of the local bands come play here for the students. Last night I went to one of the best-known and probably most famous student haunt, Bohemia, where a friend had told me to go see a band called No One's Arc, which was playing there last night.

I didn't have any expectations, of course, but wow was I pleasantly surprised. These guys have such a great sound! And they sound African, in that their's is a sound of drums, guitars, a beautiful soprano voice and trumpet. I love how so many of our local bands make a fusion of sound from the different cultures and inspirations in South Africa. No one's Arc's style is a little bit jazz, maybe a pinch of Afro-pop, and a whiff of fellow S.A. band and Wakawaka-singers Freshly Ground.

It should be shocking that I have never until last night even heard of the band before. Then again, I have never been in a place where there's another band practically every night. But man am I glad that I saw them! They count as one of my official fave bands since yesterday! Booya!


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