Beware! The Tidal Wave(s) are coming!!

Have you ever been to a concert of one of your favorite bands? And not your average kind of concert either, I'm talking about the type set in your local student bar, the whole place packed with your people, all yelling and grooving with the music jazzing between the hot bodies like warm syrup. Yeah, you know the kind of concerts I'm talking about. And if you don't, you haven't quite lived. You don't agree? Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Fact is if you haven't seen Tidal Waves (the South African groooooovy reggae band) then you haven't heard music. Fact.

Now, let me tell you. Tidal Waves is awesome!! You better go google them, don't be a lame-ass. Go! Go right now! Do it! Here's another fact for you: it don't matter if you google them, it really don't, because if you haven't seen them live you won't get it. I'm sorry to have to break it to you, its sad I know, and you're probably crying about it, but its something you'll have to learn to live with... Sorry man.

Here's the website: TIDAL!!

Man, I wish I could see them again live, it was the best experience!


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