The one thing I love about studying in Stellenbosch is the fact that so many of the local bands come play here for the students. Last night I went to one of the best-known and probably most famous student haunt, Bohemia, where a friend had told me to go see a band called No One's Arc, which was playing there last night.

I didn't have any expectations, of course, but wow was I pleasantly surprised. These guys have such a great sound! And they sound African, in that their's is a sound of drums, guitars, a beautiful soprano voice and trumpet. I love how so many of our local bands make a fusion of sound from the different cultures and inspirations in South Africa. No one's Arc's style is a little bit jazz, maybe a pinch of Afro-pop, and a whiff of fellow S.A. band and Wakawaka-singers Freshly Ground.

It should be shocking that I have never until last night even heard of the band before. Then again, I have never been in a place where there's another band practically every night. But man am I glad that I saw them! They count as one of my official fave bands since yesterday! Booya!


Here I've posted yet more photographs from master-snapper Paul van Schalkwyk. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Have you ever been to a concert of one of your favorite bands? And not your average kind of concert either, I'm talking about the type set in your local student bar, the whole place packed with your people, all yelling and grooving with the music jazzing between the hot bodies like warm syrup. Yeah, you know the kind of concerts I'm talking about. And if you don't, you haven't quite lived. You don't agree? Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Fact is if you haven't seen Tidal Waves (the South African groooooovy reggae band) then you haven't heard music. Fact.

Now, let me tell you. Tidal Waves is awesome!! You better go google them, don't be a lame-ass. Go! Go right now! Do it! Here's another fact for you: it don't matter if you google them, it really don't, because if you haven't seen them live you won't get it. I'm sorry to have to break it to you, its sad I know, and you're probably crying about it, but its something you'll have to learn to live with... Sorry man.

Here's the website: TIDAL!!

Man, I wish I could see them again live, it was the best experience!

Paul's startin' to snap!

So apparently the creative gene runs in our family. Recently my father decided that it was time (after severe prompting from us woman folk) to put more energy into getting his photography out there. And here it is: his very own website!

I am super amped to see that Dad is now making such an effort to expose his art, and it makes me so proud to be able to say that "Yeah, that's my dad." His images are like the photo version of abstract art (some), and he has this amazing and original eye for looking at the world. On sunny days, I like to think that I share that eye with him. Isn't it good to know that talent is hereditary?

Go check out the website, or if you're on facebook take a trip to his page, both aptly titled "Paul van Schalkwyk Photography. Its definitely worth the trip. And a trip it is!


With music by the XX (amazing indie band) and lips cuirtesy myself, I made my own little short video.

No, your not supposed to understand it. And no, there isn't any kind of message. No, I was not bored.

Okey, that last bit was a lie, but lets not call it boredom and instead name it "the creative spirit"!

uRBAN is BeauTiFUL

I was walking down the street the other day with two of my friends, and I just so happened to have my camera with me. I looked around me and saw patterns everywhere; I just had to take pictures of course! Its amazing how, if you make the effort to really see your surroundings, the beauty of it just jumps out at you.

Now, obviously I tweeked the pics a little (okey maybe a lot!), and I hope it helps to show the strange graphic idea that I had when I took the images.

When I viewed the images today I thought to myself "Isn't it strange that the whole world, even the bits that we make, are made up of squares and circles?" Open your eyes to the world around you!

Don't close the door!

Ooh, you thought I'd forgotten about Edie Sedgewick did you? Nope, never.

Here is a very cool video with the Velvet Underground playing in the background. I love it.

I loved this quote that one of the viewers commented about Edie:
Edie Sedgwick, the it girl. She had an interesting, fascinating, unique quality. Not only was she beautiful, but she had such an alluring way of speaking and made a big impression on everyone that she met - an instant success. For years now, countless young people have discovered Edie Sedgwick and felt a strangely compelling, deeply emotional, connection to her. Edie's creation of her persona, of her image, was her art form. Gone, but never forgotten.
How true.

A few minutes ago I educated a friend of mine about the classic hero's of rock and roll. Among them was the crazy Jerry-Lee Lewis, who once put his piano and fire, and continued to play it!

Mister Lewis was friends with another great artist, Chuck Berry, who is shockingly not as known as his lesser counterparts of the time, the Beach Boys, who stooped so low as to steal one of his songs. This song is today thought of as a classic by some, you probably know it; next time you listen to Surfin' USA remember that it was in fact Chuck Berry who wrote those chords, and the Beach Boys who added the silly lyrics.

In the movie Cadillac Records (starring among others Beyoncé), the history of rock and roll in terms of the so-called African-American artists is portayed, and the music is exquisitely show-cased. Amongst others we see the talent of guitar masters like Chuck Berry and Muddy. It was mostly because of this film that I now know about that time and the artists that contributed to the movement.

It is shameful that we as the new generation know about the likes of Elvis and the Beach Boys (grrrrr), but forget about greater masters such as ol' Chuck.

Do listen to Chuck play, he was a master. And mister Lee-Lewis knew a thing or two about rock and roll as well. They were both great artists in their own right.

Ever heard of Salad Fingers? Not? Well, prepare to be absolutely freaked out. Watch the video by clicking on the link, or search "Salad Fingers" in YouTube, and be amazed.

Or, not amazed, but definitely something. Believe me, Salad Fingers is a strange character. The first time I saw the video I didn't know what to think. Its freaky, it gives you goosebumps. Here I am, trying to figure out how to describe this simple little video, a video that had such an effect on me, and nothing comes to mind. I could say that it made me think of mentally deranged people and how hard it must be for them in their "own little world", the reality that their lives are made up of; on the other hand it had me thinking about the animator, who must have been high when he/she thought up the concept, and how scary our heads are, because, face it, when your high you are stuck in your own head... Ooh, scary thought.

Watch Salad Fingers, and tell me what you think. Just a warning though, it is rather violent, or frightening, if you will, so not for the faint of heart.

I think I have a problem. I think that I take too many pictures of my feet, is that weird? No, don't answer that, rhetorical question. Well, at least the images look good. So here's to strange fetishisms.

A combination of classic Beatles tunes and fine artistic imagery makes Across the Universe a crazy psychedelic masterpiece.

The film, which was directed by Julie Taymor and released in 2007, is set in the USA at a turbulent and exciting time in its history. One of the main characters Lucy becomes involved in the cause of opposing the American government's decision to be involved in Vietnam. Surrounding her is a varied cast of acid-trippin' young people out trying to make it. Among them is the Brit, Jude. Jude and Lucy are inexplicably in love, but as is the case with Romantic love, obstacles lie in the path to true happiness, not to mention war and conflict.

I have to say that I was completely blown away by the movie. At first I thought it was going to be some sort of film about the struggle against the war in Vietnam, or about the movement for black rights in America. As the movie went along I began to think that it was about Jude and Lucy, but as time wore on I began to realize that Across the Universe is not really about two people, or even about what they did. Its a movie showcasing a time long gone by, a generation reveling in rebellion and change, a bohemian rhapsody shining in full color.

What a movie.

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