A combination of classic Beatles tunes and fine artistic imagery makes Across the Universe a crazy psychedelic masterpiece.

The film, which was directed by Julie Taymor and released in 2007, is set in the USA at a turbulent and exciting time in its history. One of the main characters Lucy becomes involved in the cause of opposing the American government's decision to be involved in Vietnam. Surrounding her is a varied cast of acid-trippin' young people out trying to make it. Among them is the Brit, Jude. Jude and Lucy are inexplicably in love, but as is the case with Romantic love, obstacles lie in the path to true happiness, not to mention war and conflict.

I have to say that I was completely blown away by the movie. At first I thought it was going to be some sort of film about the struggle against the war in Vietnam, or about the movement for black rights in America. As the movie went along I began to think that it was about Jude and Lucy, but as time wore on I began to realize that Across the Universe is not really about two people, or even about what they did. Its a movie showcasing a time long gone by, a generation reveling in rebellion and change, a bohemian rhapsody shining in full color.

What a movie.


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