Resulting from an animator's crazy trip

Ever heard of Salad Fingers? Not? Well, prepare to be absolutely freaked out. Watch the video by clicking on the link, or search "Salad Fingers" in YouTube, and be amazed.

Or, not amazed, but definitely something. Believe me, Salad Fingers is a strange character. The first time I saw the video I didn't know what to think. Its freaky, it gives you goosebumps. Here I am, trying to figure out how to describe this simple little video, a video that had such an effect on me, and nothing comes to mind. I could say that it made me think of mentally deranged people and how hard it must be for them in their "own little world", the reality that their lives are made up of; on the other hand it had me thinking about the animator, who must have been high when he/she thought up the concept, and how scary our heads are, because, face it, when your high you are stuck in your own head... Ooh, scary thought.

Watch Salad Fingers, and tell me what you think. Just a warning though, it is rather violent, or frightening, if you will, so not for the faint of heart.


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