RIP Edie Sedgwick

I just finished watching Factory Girl and it made me cry. 

I knew half way through that I would, but I couldn't stop watching how the poor Edie deteriorated. There was no hope for her, I guess.

Strange how some people say life dealt you a bad card if you're poor, or born with an illness... Edie was dealt an unfair card in that she was not meant for this world, not from the beginning I don't believe. She was the type of girl I pity, because no one can save them. 

Well, I have cried for her already and I won't do it again. The movie is fresh in my mind and I am very ashamed of that Andy Warhol... 
I was in a gallery where they were showing his work and it all made me rather uncomfortable. I tried to appreciate his art, but in the end I felt he must have rather been a self-righteous and egotistical, but not until I watched this movie did I notice what I felt so strange about him:
He was absolutely strange. Well, all artists probably are, but I am a conservative girl, who's afraid of bad men in black hats, and Andy Warhol gave me the creeps. All those videos of people just staring and being embarrassed or uncomfortable or loving it... I felt like I was intruding and I wondered what made this man film them like that. What made him want to expose them like that.

Art, I believe, doesn't have any explanations. I don't think Andy thought about what he was doing, didn't strive to achieve anything. Maybe he did? He was at the very least very interested in human beings, and I'm afraid it was that nature of being the observer and not emotionally part of it that contributed to poor Edie. 

Then again, like I said, Edie was a hopeless case; no one could have saved her. I have only the impression I got from the movie of how their relationship must have been like, and I think he manipulated her to an extent. 

Is it always in man's nature to use and domineer so?

Yes, now I shall think of Edie, and not think of her again. 

Some people can't be saved...


Recently I started reading A short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson (Transworld Publishers) and I got to the chapter in which lead and CF C's had been discovered. 

Oh gosh, I am just a little disappointed in the way the world is run. Honestly, why does no one take us humans' health more seriously? In America companies only STOPPED using lead in food tins and storage in the 90's! That means that there are a lot of people walking around over there who still have lead left over in their blood from the irresponsible actions of companies. Lead paints isn't a very scary thought now that its not in use anymore. Out of sight, out of mind. And yet there are so many other sources of lead in our lives which we hardly know of, because of lack of information and being so badly informed. 

                                           In the early 20th century many beauty 
                                         products contained radium as ingredient.
In the previous century it was possible to buy makeup which had radioactive materials as ingredients -to give you that extra special glow! - but we aren't ignorant anymore. We aught to know better, and our governments should protect us from the dangers of chemicals like lead. 

Why is it still being emitted into the atmosphere, into the air we breathe? If it were up to me lead would be utterly and completely banished. I don't think there is any way to justify its use. 
Did you know that when companies started manufacturing lead based petrol many of the factory workers went insane, or even died, because of over exposure to lead. We don't have to worry about such extreme effects,  I guess, but forgive me if I'm still just a little suspicious of its use.  

Remarkably, the same man who invented the lead-based petrol was the very same man who did the same with CF C's. Thomas Migley is the very first person I would visit if time machines were reality. He wanted to discover an alternative to the dangerous gasses which were at that time being used for refrigerators. And low and behold he found something much worse. Until I read A short History', I had no idea to the horrible consequences of CF C's. Its true the ozone has recovered considerably since its 'hole', but what we are not being told is that CF C's hang around for quite a long time and are still being produced. I find this shocking, to say the least. 

Why is the human race so incapable of learning from our mistakes? We know lead is harmful to the nervous system, and we also know how bad CF C's are for our earth. So why the hell is it still around? These chemicals should lose there friggin' spot on the periodic table for all I care. I am so pissed off at their mere existence that I never want to see them again. 

If you'd like to read a little more about these issues, go to these links, or buy the absolutely wonderful book: A short history of nearly everything, which I can assure you is a worthwhile read! Bill Bryson makes something as boring as geography very amusing, and usually very funny too. 

Again with the fodies!

So the other day we had a little photo shoot with a local photographer and my two good friends, Jana and Abi. The reason was of course to get a stunning pic for the posters of our school's production of Chicago. I've posted only some of the pics which I thought caught the vibe of that day well. It was so much fun! 


geez ange, how bout something lighter next time? The Changeling is not for the faint hearted, or atleast let me tell ya that if you cannot bear those awful nut-house scenes where nurses in old fashioned white frocks bully their patients and give them shock therapy, well, keep your eyes shut through those scenes in this movie then.

I'm kinda surprised that this is a true story. Wow, that something like this could actually have happened. I don't know what's worse, the fact that so many little boys were killed (after probably being tortured first) or the fact that the police could ruin the life of an already devastated mother? Can you imagine how you must feel if you're already in grief and then to find you get absolutely no sympathy from anybody. I mean, she was the mother, OF COURSE SHE WOULD KNOW HER OWN SON!!!! Gosh darnit. 

Find me in Paris!

I created another blog today dedicated to my trip to paris, in other words: a blog all about what I'll be doing, seeing and eating whilst there.
I hope you'll all visit me and check out my photos. here's the link: Nina in Paris. 

I haven't blogged in a while. I had these crazy exams, which I studied like hell for, and achieved good results I might add.  So this will be the first post I make in a long time. I start it off with a picture of a place I spend my holidays: Cape Cross. Its part of the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, and its absolutely breathtaking. This is a pic of the view I get when I wake up in the mornings. 
Pretty, huh?

Luckily there is a lodge nearby so if any one's interested I'd recommend googling 'Cape Cross Lodge Namibia'.  I don't have the information with me, but let me tell ya its definitely worth it to visit it. Namibia has great landscapes. Fabulous in fact.

I'm a little ill at the mo, so I'll not spend more time making anyone jealous with my wonderful holiday destinations any further, although I would just like to say that I'm leaving for 2 weeks in Paris on Saturday. I'll either be starting a new blog dedicated to my stay there, or I'll just ramble about being a tourist right here. Hmmm, being a tourist... Jay!

Justify Full

Forgive me, for I only watched the second half of the movie... and it rocked! 
Firstly I'll say that the group of actors (Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman), was random, but it worked. How strange to see the musician (The Pianist), the  comedian (Night at the Museum) and King Louis of France (Marie Antoinette) playing three very different and very interesting brothers who, after the death of their father, travel to India to find themselves

India is a colorful place and director Wes Anderson obviously made good use of it. The whole setting was great and the camera work more so. Especially in the train compartment where only one camera was used, to the movie's benefit. 
I was also fond of the music, which I am able to describe only as a mix of Indian and something else... Sorry for that description, but honestly, it'll have to make do.

The story is told very much using images and body language, rather than language, so don't expect long and important speeches. All I'll say is it was immensely  funny and satisfying. 
If you like strange movies, made in a different way to the usual popular hits, this is for you. 

The day I got my own camera I decided to make good use of it. When I see the amazing photo's my dad takes (he's a professional) I severely scold myself. My dad doesn't walk around with the intension of taking a really good pic; he just sees something that catches his eye. He always has his camera with him and that makes a huge difference. I hardly ever have a camera with me, because it feels like too much hassle bringing it along everywhere...

HA! All that's changed! I take my camera everywhere. I refuse to be bothered by the weird glances that are sent my way, not even when I'm down on my knees and aiming it at the floor. No, I'm shooting what I want, when I want to. 

And because of this new mentality I packed my little camie into my backpack when I flew to South Africa. The airport was boring (aren't they all), so I thought I'd try taking a few snaps. 
They're nothing special, but I like 'em.

Just so's you know, the one with the plane is a picture of Hosea Kutako International Airport, Namibia's only international airport. Yeah, we're a small country. 
I thought it was random when I took it, but now I think it puts my country into perspective to the rest of the world. Namibia is a mix of old and new. And of course, being the loyal citizen I am I recommend it to everyone!
On that particular day it was all drizzly and wet(ish), much to the dismay of the tourists, who's travelled all the way to get some sunshine. The runway was nearly deserted and all the passengers walk to the the plain. Yes, walk. No taking a little bus-thingie. Nope, not in Africa. 
Yet, that's what I love about this place. We don't care that we're different. We are and always will be. Baha.

The mock fashion shoot

This is my friend Abi, or her pictures, if you please. Once upon a time she asked me to take a few snaps of her for a modeling portfolio. I kinda like how some of them turned out, so here they are:

Its such a cliche, but honestly I have to say that she is just as pretty in the INSIDE as out. Although technically I haven't  yet checked. Hmmm...

This is my favorite, maybe because I love dogs so much? It has sort of a vintage look which I like. That was mainly what I was going for, did I succeed? You be the judge...

This pic is so bare.  I love Abi's expression, 'cause I know she's thinking: "What the hell is this girl making me do?"

And yet more corny movies

I watched John Clayton the other night. Ate some pretty good pasta at the same time, which is probably why I didn't hang myself half way through the movie. Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad. In fact, i wasn't really bad at all. There were just one too many cliches thrown in.

But oh golly, what was the story with George? Has he always acted like that? Gosh darn it, 'cause he aint that good. Look, I aint hatin'. I just really wish he was better so that I wouldn't have wasted those few minutes of my life. Nah, the plot was pretty good so I didn't mind that so much. The voilence ws harsh (they KILLED a man!) and I hate too much grafic blood shed...although technically the poor sod didn't actually spill any, or lose any for that matter.

Anyhoo, the part I found most entertaining was the end: The bad guy, or should I say, girl gets busted. Mr Clayton strolls away from the scene and catches a cab. No music what so ever. This was just a bit too much like we're trying to make a super cool new modern movie and don't want to make it seem like the same bull from last year frame of mind for my liking. Except that I have seen that bull before. In any movie where the hero wins there's the part where he walks away looking all I-am-not-really-a-hero-I'm-just-really-really-good-looking... And then they get this peaceful yet concerned look on their faces, like what they just did had to be done, no excuses and it definitely had nothing to do with ego's, money or any magical beings of any kind. They had to do good. Because they are good!

Maybe one day movies will provide me with something new and only the generations way after me will taunt them. Haha, the poor sods who had to produce this one. Auwh shucks they tried their best. i have to say it: if you want to ensure a movie's success, make sure you sign George Cloony on. He might not be the absolute best actor there ever was (in my opinion) but he sure as hell is good looking! Yum!

How to lose a guy in ten days... argh. I watched the movie for like the third time the other day. Yes, I agree. Watching it once is bad enough, but three times? In my defense, the first time I did I ws so tiny, and the most recent was when there was absolutely nothing else on. My point? I'm getting to it.
So the character played by, what'shernameagain quits her job after the oh-so-terrible fight and confrontation, drunken singing episode (she must have had a few glasses between scenes!) and is on her way to her shiny new job interview.
The other lead, played by what'shisface prettyboyactor meanwhile has jumped onto his super mini scooter thingy and races after her taxi. I thought cellphones were already invented back then? Apparently not.
He does stop her, so don't be fooled! Hero on his white horsie has arrived! He stops the taxi and confronts the chick. Dumdumdum... the BIG moment.
He pokes the magazine she had been writing for under her nose and asks, all heroic like, "Is this true?"
Ah, the poor girl; she's already in tears, and he of course shows no emotion. Just asks her to come back with him.
Never mind that she's now unemployed and she probably already paid for her plane ticket to the interview... Did anyone remember the bloody interview? Nah? Ok, moving on.

He throws a bunch of bills at the taxi driver and tells him to take her luggage back to her apartment. They climb his golden, I mean, white pony and ride into the sunset.

The taxi driver probably took the cash, her stuff and made his way back to Queens. Can't trust taxi's these days, eh?

Sexi Plexi, by Jack Johnson

Sexy sexy made up of plexi disasters

Pushing and pulling conservative rolling
Unlike plastic, easier to see through
Just like glass with no ring
Softer and sadder you sing
Sexy sexy do your thing
Learn to be shy and then you can sting
Plexi, plexi bend don't shatter
Once you're broken, shape won't matter

You're breaking your mind
By killing the time that kills you
But you can't blame the time
'Cause its only in your mind

Quickly quickly grow and then you'll know
It is such and awkward show to see
And everyone you wanted to know
And everyone you wanted to meet
Have all gone away
Well they've all gone away

And now you're
Breaking your mind
By killing the time that kills you
But you cant blame the time
'Cause its only in your mind

You're breaking your mind


Robbie Turner:  Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame. 
This was the second time I watched the movie, but I couldn't finish it. I had exams the next day and had to get to bed early. Irony is I laid I awake the whole night thinking about it. I am not going to spoil the ending for anybody, all I'm saying is that its very sad and has a twist at the end. I'll never forgive that little brat! Gosh, am not making sense again?
The movie is absolutely brilliant. The script was fantastic, the  editing and filming even better. The acting? Lord knows I wouldn't have wished for any other couple to play the part of Cecilia (Keira Knightley) and Robbie (James McAvoy). 

There are two moments in the movie that I found have stuck with me. When Robbie is writing Cecilia his letter of apology. Here the camera work is wonderful, shooting a pretty and dramatic reflection of Cecilia as she stares in her mirror. These are of course only snippets, while Robbie is thinking about her, his reflection is also shot in the mirror. This moment is so dramatic and beautiful. It allows a visual insight into what their love must have been like.  

The second moment is where Robbie walks on the beach, where all the soldiers are, is technically brilliant. Only one camera follows him the whole time. One has to be sharp, or yo
u wouldn't spot how well everything is choreographed. The timing of everything is perfect! That's not the only thing that was so ultimately flawless; the lighting, the music and the sombre feeling of the whole scene. 

I loved it.
Atonement is a masterpiece. This movie should not be missed, not for any type of reason or excuse! Go, go now and watch it!

Isobel is young African American girl living in the 1870's. She and her sister are sold to the Locktons by the nephew of their deceased previous owner. This man has, unlike his aunt, no kind sold and does not respect her wishes to set the girls free. What stood out for me even in the beginning of the story was how no one even considered that these girls had lost all they had. And OK, this was probably how African American people were treated, but doesn't the situation just drive the point ever deeper? How unfair it was. They'd lost their mother and all that they had ever known. Even the priest, who knew their deceased owner, doesn't care. The two young and completely innocent girls are sold into a life they have never known before, to life in New York.

This is where the book gets interesting. The Locktons are royalists. During the pre-civil war chaos Isobel starts to relay information to the patriots, hoping this would one day free her. Laurie Halse Anderson obviously did tons of research, because the book is filled with many historical characters and tells of historical happenings through the eyes of the slave, making the reader feel that we truly are experiencing it. For anyone interested, like me, in history this is an especially good novel, because it brings you down to eye level with those important times.

The book is addictive, lovely and made me wonder at how one person is able to survive so much, with so little and so little to live for. Isobel is a brave and strong heroin. Kudus to Anderson. Absolutely wonderful.

My fave holiday

Two years ago I travelled with my family overseas for the first time, to South America and Antarctica. I am sure that Antarctica isn't the average holiday destination, so I'm gonna flip through my travel journal and type up all the amazing things. But it wasn't just Antarctica that was so fantastic, it was the journey that took us there. I had never before been over seas so the whole experience was new to me. The one place besides the Cold Continent I will never forget is Ushuaia, the most southernly city in the world. But don't be fooled, its more like a town. We boarded the The Polar Star there and it took us  down south. 

I'd love to share my memories, so some time in the near future I'll get my act together and post some.

Today I read an article about a girl who got involved with this anorexic cult type website...  The story wasn't particularly creepy, but it got me thinking. 

So I googled the term "pro ana" (pro anorexic nervosa) and what did i find? Too much for one simple minded chick to handle! World's Largest Pro Anorexic Website had me worried for a moment when it looked like it might be some kind of strange and sick group, but I was quickly won over by the websites' rules: There should be at least one comment to each and EVERY post; no mean comments or sarcasm; no hate of obese persons or such, etc. 

Interesting... very interesting. i couldn't help thinking that all those girls' posts reminded me of regular teen age girls; depro and full of self-doubt. The main goal of the site was to provide support and prevent suicide to those suffering from anorexia. It made me sad that there could be so many people in need of help. 

So, I'm not going to make any snide remarks or jokes. Its not gonna happen. This is a real issue. As a fellow skinny person I understand that it gets up one's nose when people keep wanting to shove food down one's throat. Enough! I do eat!

 OK so the point I'm trying to make is that what you eat has nothing to do with other people and they should stay out of it. And when a person hardly eats anything, more reason for people to stop harassing, because the consequences can be horrific and are very serious. 

Am I making any sense? Gosh, I hope so. If I offended anybody, I didn't mean to.

The Cricket

There's this girl on my hokkey  team... Apparently its her first year.  
She's made life on the field very interessting, although some might call her a liability. Its not true that she can't play; its the way she plays. She bounces after the ball and stabs it with her stick, narrowly missing her teammate's foot, whom she steels the ball from anyway. Then she hits the ball twice (the first time she misses) in a general direction and gallops after it. 
I find her absolutely intruiging. More hokkey palyers should hit the person next to them, even if they are on the same team. Or better yet: move like a cricket,(bounce bounce, hop-hop)it frightens the opponents. 
Yeah, this chick sure knows how to distract a person. Oh yes, she does!

The first time I ever traveled over seas was when I was 16 turning 17. My family and I took a trip to Argentina and, best of all...Antarctika. It was the most amazing time in my life. That whole holiday, everything from the high buildings and crazy traffic of Buenos Aries to the silent bay and gray skies of Ushaia to the open bright blue and clear white of Antarctika... it switched something inside me on and changed me.

It all started with a 9 hour trip across the Atlantic Ocean. My poor judgement made me watch movies for most of that time. At last my eyes were so tired and I couldn't stay up anymore. I had just put my head comfortably against the headrest when all the overhead lights went on again and the passangers around me woke up and started to move. Perfect timing.

Buenos Aries was like nothing I'd ever seen. I had never even been in a real city before it, so the beauty and absolute magnitude of it astonished me. I couldn't get enough of it. Not of the language, or the pretty buildings, or the huge trees. We stayed in an apartment for about 2 days and took a flight to Ushuaia. The flight was terrible. I don't know if its the norm to have the aircon dripping on you or the toilet to smell all the way from the back, but let't just say that it was a VERY long flight. Those 2 hours felt way longer than any nine. Ushuaia is the lowest 'city' on earth, or what I mean to say is that its the farthest from the equator. And, if you were wondering, its not really a city, not at all. The only reason for calling itself the "Most Southernly City" is because there exists a town EVEN MORE southernly...
The main street is lined with many tourist shops, although why anyone would travel all that way to pay $300 for sunglasses is beyond me. In between these there are many little cute restaurants. If you feel like eating good meat - and I mean REALLY good meat - look for the sheep roast in the restaurant windows. The name of the game is 'coldero' (did I spell that correctly?) and it means lamb, which they all serve differently, of course: some hand over a plate with neat cuts, others chop a leg onto your plate, or better yet, a serving-pot filled to the brim with all kinds of meats and sausige and...lamb. I'm from Africa, I am proud to say I know good meat. Let me tell ya, Argentina has THE BEST lamb I've ever tasted. It aint good to be a vegetarian here, the temptation's too high.

OK, so enough with the meat. Along main street there are also these cute little cafes and shops specialising in choklate. My favorite was this sweet national spread they make called Dolce deleche, which litterally means 'sweet milk'. One lady who sold me some told me not to eat it too fast, its too sweet. Did I listen? Not a chance! And I enjoyed every morsel of the jar, even under the critical eye of my mother, who shared the saleslady's view.

The weather in Ushuaia, when I was there, was very chilly. And we visited it in their Summer! Crazy, but that's what it was like. Cold. And wet. I strongly advise any one planning to go there to take sturdy and waterproof boots. They are priceless.
I loved the feel of the town. The long days and wet pavements. The mountains... The little ships on the mirrored sea, calm and mirrored. All of it, its special.
One peculiar thing about that place are the dogs. They don't stay on their lawns, oh no. They stand alongside you at the street corner, waiting for the light to change, and cross when you do.

We stayed in a little Bed and Breakfast, which was fine. It had one bedroom, but did have a kitchen. No view, but it was nice and close to the shores and the shops. It was quiet too. It probably didn't cost much and there are alot of this kind of occomidation. But if you really feel like splurging I'd reccomend is the Los Acebos Ushuaia Hotel, situated on the drive up one of the mountains, overlooking the town and the harbour below. If you're wondering how the hell such a small town manages to keep a grande hotel (three to be exact), well, in the winter season many flock to Ushuaia for the skeeing. Even in Summer there was snow. It was the first time I'd ever touched snow. We went up a mountain with lifts and hiked some way up as well. The weather changed and we were almost caught in a storm. That was frightening.

For me, Ushuaia has great memories and I'm sure I go there everynight in my dreams. Its a spectacular place with great surroundings and history. Its definitly a destination of note, no matter its size!

Paint the town...Paris!

Four years ago my brother and my parents went on a trip to London during the holidays. I couldn't go with them, because I had school. Every year since I have nagged them to take me somewhere special too. A bonding trip especially for me. So anyway this year my mother got in touch with her friends from paris who told her that we could stay in their extra apartment if we wanted to visit, since it would be free during spring. That's how the stone started rolling. I didn't think I would actually get to go, but now its looking like we really are gonna.

Two weeks in Paris, staying not in some fancy and pricy hotel, but rather a quaint little apartment of our own...well, not really ours, but that's a minor detail. I'm so exited! So I started googling images of paris so I would know where to go and what I needed to see for myself. Travel books are great, but they never have enough pictures for my liking. I found a great blog dedicated to Paris, called Eye Prefer Paris. I found wonderful pictures here. I was so impressed I knew I would be blogging full on when my chance came in Paris, although this lady - I prefer to think of the blog's author as a 'she' - researched every place she took a photo of and posted the information. Wow, I am totally blowing her trumpit right now, but I loved it, and intend to be using the bhlog for more future references. There's even a Eye Prefer Paris Tours, with the tag: see the paris tourists never see. Heehee OK I get the pun; the whole blog has blue eyes dotted around it. And by the way, the author is realy a man, Richard Nahem. Sorry dude, its nothing personal. I mistake everything cool as being made or created by a woman. My bad.

To the ends of time I shall stay in my mind in that place always. The place where souls escape to and the wind pulls at hems... My heart keeps the feel of you; my eyes the image of you; my mind the thought of you. I keep you with me until the moment I return once more to you.

Saved be the times when all was easy and right. Now nothing seems clear as morning air. Every moment has its sharp knife edge. Carefull which way you turn or you might be stabbed. Who knows where the rays will then shine, when we are long gone. Not for our poor heads they'll fall; too buisy searching for other brighter futures. The seemingly vast openess which the Lord placed at the feet of the newly confused and the realness of it all having not flattered quite how one imagened it would. Not quite how they would have minded it to be. So starts the next part and to all it becomes a strange new emptyness that would only fuel other curiosities and not the gifts we wish to bestowe ourselves. The dim light which leads to those other places seems distant and strange. What would be different then from now? It could all be the same or sink to the dark corners of minds no one wished to see.
No one can as of yet see clearly...

People never realize that a broken friendship can be way worse  than a relationship. When your at school anyway. 

 I met and 'fell in love' with my then best-friend Alice when I was fourteen.  
We were in the same class for three years. Those years were spent mildly disliking each other for two months, a full half-year as happy palls, another year fighting and then the rest of the time as close friends. 
I was in friendship heaven. I had found the one girl I could relate to and who understood me. This girl was unlike any other. Instead of shunning me, because of my shy demeanour and awkward social skills, Alice took me under her wing and I blossomed. 

Then along came 'The Athlete'.  He wasn't really her type, but maybe that was exactly what fascinated her. And the fact that he had the body of a god. 
That's when it all got sour.
 At first I was all for the relationship, as any good friend would be. I thought her settling down with a guy that acted like such a gentleman wouldn't be half bad.
So then at some point she became this jealous person that I could hardly recognise anymore. Who was she? This girl who had never cared what anybody thought, who had had no beef with anybody and loved the world? She's changed into something else. Maybe that's how love changes one, for better or worse. 
She wouldn't break up with him, or at least, never for good. Not when he treated her like shit. Not even when she thought she couldn't trust him with one of her friends or when he didn't show up for their one year anniversary, without any explanations. She kept telling me how scared she was of commitment (then they would break up), or how she was scared she wouldn't ever find love again (then they would get back together again). This cycle kept repeating itself until, finally, she called it quits. I was super happy, you have no idea.
Throughout their relationship I had felt like her emotional sponge. At the end I just couldn't keep up with the emotional roller coaster of hating the guy one moment and watching them smooch the next. It was clear to me, even if it wasn't to her, that she deserved better. That she needed to move on to greener fields.
Their relationship was the turning point for our friendship. After it nothing was the same. During it, friends counted for less. Alice didn't go out with us girls anymore. She sat at home waiting for him to call. Not only was I disgusted by this change in her, but I felt forgotten. We had been so close and the absence there now was broke into me. It made me feel incomplete. She had, after all, been the person to enlighten me to the wonders of blogging. Our blogs somehow kept us in sync and up to date on each other's lives. Ironically, it was because of a blog that we inevitably broke apart.
For a long time I tried to grasp Alice's attention to the  fact that I missed her and that, selfishly, I felt left behind. Looking back I can see how I could be jealous. She had always been there for me and then one day I had her no more. She gave her all to someone else, while I gave my everything to her. Obviously, for many reasons, I decided not to state my frustrations in those exact words. I blogged myself into a misery, copy-pasting lyrics from Allanis Morset to Dashboard Confessional, thinking she would get the hint. At that time in my life I just really neaded I friend. Needless to say, she didn't catch my hint.  
So one day I pulled her down and said, "We need to talk." No, this was is not where our friendship ended. After I explained my feelings to her she did change. Suddenly things were back to the way they were... and yet not quite right. It felt weird. Strange. I didn't know how to act around her anymore. It was as if the changes we both had uundergone, me becoming more independent of her, had somehow come between us. Atleast, that's how it felt to me. I wanted to figure it out together. I took the same path as I had before and told her how I felt. This time round she interrupted me and asked that we not continue the conversation, because I was hurting her feelings. It puzzled me. I hadn't even got around to explaining felt wrong.
Later that same day I read her blog entry... and gasped. She had obviously been frustrated by the day's events and had vented it on her blog. She even sweared at me! It got me fairly upset. I mean, she knew I read her entries. Had she wanted me to feel like a friggin' asshole biatch
I was over the edge. All the soppy depro songs in the world couldn't help me now. I created a new blog and for the first time in months I said exactly how I felt. What this entailed was about five or six literal abuses in her general direction. I was so angry, but even more sad, because I couldn't believe how she could care so little about my feelings. It came as a shock that two people who once shared everything to each other could so misunderstand each other. 

What I didn't know was that Alice had randomly come across my blog and connected the dots. She knew, even with my fake identity and all, that I was the author. I didn't know it then, but it was the reason behind her acting strangely around me. 
For every snide comment I made, she thought I was talking about her. Every bad spot in my blog was a dedication to her, or atleast that's how she must have felt. None of the compliments I gave her she could believe were her's. The point of my blog had never been to publicly humiliate her. No one we knew even read our blogs.
Only, that was not the way she saw it. One faithful day after yet another of my depressing moments of realising where our friendship had gone and blogging about it, she fought back! Lo and behold the three entry face-slapping-extravaganza. At the end of the last one she said she wouldn't EVER  bother me again and ruin my life. And then she said "... friendship over"
It was all over. Everypart of me she had inspired turned to dust. The finality fo it all was certain. I have never felt so hurt before in my life... or so selfish. I started thinking: how could I have been so horrible to her? Then it hit me. I had done absolutely nothing wrong. I had been human. A human with human emotions and human feelings. I had never meant to hurt her, yet she hurt me intentionally. For the first time I realised that the person I had  trusted most in the world had a secret ability: she made every single issue about her. Our friendship had never been between two people. It consisted of me basically worshipping her.  Even when the most important thing in my life was on the rocks she couldn't see past her own foolish inabilities. She placed insecure people around her, maybe so she wouldn't feel so imperfect. She never notived how utterly perfect and great she was. Secretly I was glad to be out of all the drama. Our friendship had started to become a wy of making each other feel better about ourselves. I could not get past that. Not then. She explained my thoughts and my feelings in such a way that made me look really, really sad. She had never understood me. It had made me misunderstand myself.  I had been addicted to the endorphin rush she supplied and like any addiction it hadn't been good for me. 

After our friendship crashed I realized who my true friends were. People who didn't necessarily get me all the time, but who kept me from giving in to the feelings that would destroy me. The ones who would poke fun at my lack of bra size, but who would also make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the room. 
I decided that I would never again be place in the position of being so dependant on someone who couldn't return the favour. To put all my eggs in one person's basket. Life is too short to surround one's self with people that do not make you happy.
"Never regret something that once made you smile." The strange thing is, I don't. Alice and I had good times. I'll always be grateful to her for teaching me that it was OK to be myself, when everyone else thought differently. Friendships allow those bound by it, even when its done, to keep the lessons and memories with them. 
Now I look back and see how I grew. I am strong, even when everyhing around me feels shaky. I leart so much. That time during our friendship is one of the most important periods in my life. I would never take it back.

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